🥅 Goal

Review the different Automation Anywhere homepages to boost engagement, sentiment, and reactions to the page.

Overview document:


Business KPIs Design Qs Design KPIs What questions do we want answered? UX Metric
Brand Sentiment and Trust Narrative Clarity Page Comprehension Does the New Homepage Establish Us as the Go-To for AI and Automation Orchestration? Comprehension
Engagement Rate
Success Rate
Likelihood to Schedule Meeting CTA Placement Primary CTA Conversion Rate Is Our Value Proposition Clear? Reaction
Clarity of Value Proposition Product Graphics Alignment with Copy in "How" Section? Is Our Differentiation Clear? Comprehension
Likelihood to Recommend or Pursue More Information Top "Dirty Socks" Message Effectiveness in Communicating the Big Problem Solved by AI and Automation 5s Comprehension • Do we Clearly Communicate to Both Executive-Level Business Leaders and IT?

• What is the Best Nomenclature for AI Agents X Automation and the Value Derived from Combining the Two?

• Do We Lead with AI Agents? Can We Say "Agentic Process Automation?" and Define the Category? | Comprehension Engagement Rate Success Rate Sentiment

Comprehension Engagement Rate Success Rate Sentiment

Comprehension Engagement Rate Success Rate Sentiment

😁 Audience

🎯  UX Metric

  1. Engagement Rate
  2. Recall
  3. Success Rate
  4. Comprehension
  5. Sentiment
  6. NPS
  7. Reaction